I recommend 【peach】 if you suffer from a bad blood flow.
These stormy nights are very frightening, it’s hard to sleep well at night.
Maybe some of you are even making a dark circles around you eyes.
There are three different kinds of dark circles: Purple Circles which is cause by the bad blood flow from exhaustion or a lack of sleep, Black Circles are cause by saggy skin around the eyes, and the Brown Circles are caused by pigmentation on the skin by UV exposure or aging.
Let me explain the 【Purple Circles: the disturbed flow of blood】type.
If you have purple lips, stiff shoulders, easily get bruised get dark circles when tired, have clots during periods, have strong menstrual pain, your dark circles might be the disturbed flow of blood type.
Purple Circles are the sign of bad blood flow.
Take food with“Huó xuè”(blood circulation) or “Huà yū”(remove blood stasis) effect to improve the blood flow.
Massaging head, neck or shoulders which are connected to the eyes and face is effective as well.
I recommend 【peach】 if you suffer from a bad blood flow!
Peach has the Huó xuè effect to help improving the blood circulation.
Try eating peach when you found Purple Circles around your eyes!
Flavor/ sweet and sour, warmingEntered Meridians/ lung, spleen, liverSupplement blood and circulate, quench the body and lungs to stop coughing, supplement qi.
These are the other recommended ingredients for the Purple CirclesSaffron, black soybean, blueberry, cranberry, , etc.
I hope this can help getting rid of your dark circles!
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