【Asparagus】is recommended to help your slow water metabolism
I desperately need warm tights every day, or my lower half will freeze!
If you feel cold on your lower half, swelling lower half, or have cold joint pain, your cold intolerance might be the 【disturbed flow of water】 type!
【Asparagus】is recommended to help your slow water metabolism!
If the flow of your body fluid is disturbed, I recommend you eat asparagus!
Water may give moisture to your body, but the body fluid contained could cause cold intolerance when you have slow water metabolism.
Asparagus has the virtue called lì shuǐ, which improves water flow.
So, if your cold intolerance is the disturbed flow of water type, eat asparagus!
But, asparagus is a cooling ingredient, which tends to cool your body; you might want to eat with warming spices or ginger.
AsparagusFlavor/ bitter, sweet, coolingEntered Meridians/ lung, spleenCooldown the heat, supplement qi, improve water metabolism, supplement moisture.
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