I recommend you to take 【Chinese cabbage】 when your water flow is disturbed!
The holiday season is a major temptation if you are trying to lose wait.
And yet again, weight loss is your new year’s resolution.
A new weight loss method is found every day, and it seems impossible to know which is the right one for you.
Traditional Chinese Medicine divides obesity into three types and provides different solutions for each of them.
Let me explain the 【disturbed flow of water】type obesity.
If you tend to gain weight from the lower half of your body, find your hands and feet swollen, the lower half of your body tends to get cold, have saggy skin, have diarrhea often, experience stomach oppression, have watery stomach, feel sluggish, prefers greasy or sweet food, tend to overeat, your obesity might be the disturbed flow of water type.
The disturbed water flow causes “wastewater” (tán yǐn) to collect in the body, leading to obesity.
Take food with “lì shuǐ(drain dampness),” “huà tán(resolve phlegm),” or “lǐ qì(regulate qi)” effects to improve the flow of water and gain balance.
I recommend you to take 【Chinese cabbage】 when your water flow is disturbed!
Chinese cabbage is a great choice when you want to improve your water metabolism.
Eat Chinese cabbage, if your hands and feet are swollen, the lower half of your body tends to get cold, which means you might have the disturbed flow of water type obesity.
Chinese cabbage
Flavor/ sweet, neutralEntered Meridians/ stomach, large intestine, bladderCool down and condition the bowels, improves water metabolism, and relieve constipation.
These are the other recommended ingredients for the disturbed flow of water type obesity.
Brown rice, taro, onions, Chinese radish, cardamom, etc.
I hope this can help you lose weight!.
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