The【disturbed flow of blood type】 out of the three obesity types
We’ve been freed from a long lock-down, and now we can go outside.
But I hear many stories about how people gain weight while at home.
Of course, it is necessary to avoid overdrinking and eating and make sure to exercise.
But you can eliminate obesity by gaining the balance of your body through TCM and approaching the root of obesity instead of unreasonable calorie restriction!
In TCM, obesity is divided into three types:
(1) disturbed flow of blood, (2) disturbed flow of water, and (3) liver disorder type.
Let me explain about the 【disturbed flow of blood type】 out of the three obesity types!
If you tend to get fat around the lower abdomen area, get cold at the tip of your fingers and toes, have numb limbs, easily get age spots and bruises, severe menstrual pain, get dark circles, dry hair, and skin, your obesity might be caused by the disturbed flow of blood!
This is a condition in which obesity is caused by blood circulation becoming stagnant and waste metabolism becoming slow.
Gain balance in your body with ingredients good for blood circulation, such as onions and shishito peppers.
Lack of exercise and stress also affect your blood circulation, so make sure to exercise and relieve your stress regularly!
These are the recommended ingredients for the disturbed flow of blood type obesity!
Onions, shishito pepper, garlic chives, salmon, saury, etc.
I hope this could help your obesity problems!
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