【Scallops】are in its season and good ingredients for hydration!
All these rainy days are exhausting.
Isn’t it?
It is predicted after this heavy rainy season this summer may be extra hot.
It is going to be harder to go to sleep.
If you have the dehydrated type of insomnia, I introduced this week, you need extra care to keep yourself hydrated.
【Scallops】are in its season and good ingredients for hydration!
Scallops can supplement blood and fluid, and hydrate the body.
It is also nourishing for kidneys and nutritious.
It is the perfect food for summer!Scallops are recommended if you cannot go to sleep because of your body heat, for their effectiveness for the rush of blood to the head!
ScallopFlavor/ sweet, saltyEntered Meridians/ liver, spleen stomach, kidneyBenefits/ hepatic and renal yin deficiency, thirstiness, indigestion, dullness, anxiety.