
Be careful not to overcool your body

Hi! Watching Olympics games at home is much better than caring about UV under the hot sun.

Hi! Watching Olympics games at home is much better than caring about UV under the hot sun..Did you know that if you stay in a room too cold that makes your body too chill, you could get age spots easily?.This is the【Cold type】out of three different types of ages spots!.If you have cold hands and feet, pale face, purple or blue lips, diarrhea often, having to go to the toilet frequently, your age spots might be caused by your body being too cold..When your body gets too cold, it may lead to poor circulation, slowing the skin cell turnover cycle. As a result, your body creates more age spots!.So, avoid taking too many cold drinks or foods even in the hot summer, but take some warming food such as ginger to balance your body. Avoid excessive AC, and wearing warmer clothes can help as well..These are the recommended ingredients for age spots caused by the cold.Lamb, shrimp, leek, ginger, mugwort, amazake, etc..I hope this helps your skin issues!.#healthyfood#medicinalfood#fruits #miso#日本を元気にするご飯#ヘルシーフード#手作り発酵ジュース #発酵 #発酵フルーツ #発酵リビングフード#美肌薬膳 #beautyTCM #skinissues #agespots#toomuchAC #badcirculation#purplelips #coldfeet #薬膳 #中医薬膳師#手作り味噌体験#発酵麹調味料#発酵麹調味料マイスター#くらし薬膳 #くらし薬膳美容アドバイザーhttps://www.kurashi-yakuzen.net/

Did you know that if you stay in a room too cold that makes your body too chill, you could get age spots easily?

This is the【Cold type】out of three different types of ages spots!

If you have cold hands and feet, pale face, purple or blue lips, diarrhea often, having to go to the toilet frequently, your age spots might be caused by your body being too cold.

When your body gets too cold, it may lead to poor circulation, slowing the skin cell turnover cycle. As a result, your body creates more age spots!

So, avoid taking too many cold drinks or foods even in the hot summer, but take some warming food such as ginger to balance your body. Avoid excessive AC, and wearing warmer clothes can help as well.

These are the recommended ingredients for age spots caused by the cold.Lamb, shrimp, leek, ginger, mugwort, amazake, etc.

I hope this helps your skin issues!

#healthyfood#medicinalfood#fruits #miso#日本を元気にするご飯#ヘルシーフード#手作り発酵ジュース #発酵 #発酵フルーツ #発酵リビングフード#美肌薬膳 #beautyTCM #skinissues #agespots#toomuchAC #badcirculation#purplelips #coldfeet #薬膳 #中医薬膳師#手作り味噌体験#発酵麹調味料#発酵麹調味料マイスター#くらし薬膳 #くらし薬膳美容アドバイザー


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