
The【disturbed heart type】 depression


The temperature has dropped, and there have been comfortable nights.

Hi! The temperature has dropped, and there have been comfortable nights. However, some people may be depressed and cannot sleep due to anxiety and worries..When the balance of the mind is disturbed by heart irregularities, signs such as intense anxiety and insomnia appear. Since the heart sends blood to the whole body, symptoms of blood shortage such as hair loss might also occur if the heart has irregularities.People with these symptoms and depression may have 【the disturbed heart type】 depression..People with symptoms such as intense anxiety, sudden sadness, easy surprise, palpitation, insomnia, many dreams, tiredness, hair loss, etc., maybe the disturbed heart type depression!.Let me give you some examples of foods that are good for the disturbed heart type depression. Ingredients such as oolong tea supplements blood, nourish the heart and normalize heart functions. Calming foods such as brown rice are good for sleeplessness and heart palpitations. Oysters balance your heart by supplementing moisture and nourish your body.In addition, foods categorized as "sweet" food in TCM supplement the energy and rejuvenate the whole body, so it is good to eat sweet food in TCM!.These are the recommended ingredients for depression caused by heart irregularities!Oolong tea, wheat, Chinese date, scallops, lily root, goji berries, etc..I hope this helps you with depression!.#healthyfood#medicinalfood#fruits #miso#日本を元気にするご飯#ヘルシーフード#手作り発酵ジュース #発酵 #発酵フルーツ #発酵リビングフード#美肌薬膳 #beautyTCM #depression #mentalhealth#anxiety #TCMfordepression#heartanddepression #insomnia#TCM #TCMtherapist#手作り味噌体験#発酵麹調味料#発酵麹調味料マイスター#くらし薬膳 #くらし薬膳美容アドバイザーhttps://www.kurashi-yakuzen.net/
However, some people may be depressed and cannot sleep due to anxiety and worries.
When the balance of the mind is disturbed by heart irregularities, signs such as intense anxiety and insomnia appear.
Since the heart sends blood to the whole body, symptoms of blood shortage such as hair loss might also occur if the heart has irregularities.

People with these symptoms and depression may have 【the disturbed heart type】 depression.
People with symptoms such as intense anxiety, sudden sadness, easy surprise, palpitation, insomnia, many dreams, tiredness, hair loss, etc., maybe the disturbed heart type depression!

Let me give you some examples of foods that are good for the disturbed heart type depression. Ingredients such as oolong tea supplements blood, nourish the heart and normalize heart functions.
Calming foods such as brown rice are good for sleeplessness and heart palpitations.
Oysters balance your heart by supplementing moisture and nourish your body.
In addition, foods categorized as “sweet” food in TCM supplement the energy and rejuvenate the whole body, so it is good to eat sweet food in TCM!

These are the recommended ingredients for depression caused by heart irregularities!
Oolong tea, wheat, Chinese date, scallops, lily root, goji berries, etc.

I hope this helps you with depression!

#healthyfood#medicinalfood#fruits #miso#日本を元気にするご飯#ヘルシーフード#手作り発酵ジュース #発酵 #発酵フルーツ #発酵リビングフード#美肌薬膳 #beautyTCM #depression #mentalhealth#anxiety #TCMfordepression#heartanddepression #insomnia#TCM #TCMtherapist#手作り味噌体験#発酵麹調味料#発酵麹調味料マイスター#くらし薬膳 #くらし薬膳美容アドバイザー




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