
I recommend you to take 【Cumin】 when your liver is disturbed!

It’s so cold.

It’s so cold. We tend to gain more weight during winter, which could be stressful if you’re trying to lose the weight you gained during the holiday..Or that stress may be caused by the disturbed liver...Let me explain the 【disturbed liver】type obesity..If you have a strong frame, no waist definition, bloated stomach, fluctuating body weight, stiff shoulders and back, irregular appetite, experience twitching under your eyes, find it hard to fall asleep, are irritable/short-tempered, sigh a lot, your obesity might be the disturbed liver type..The disturbed liver causes you to slow down your metabolism, leading to obesity. Take food with “píng gān(pacify the liver),” “shū gān(soothe the liver),” or “lǐ qì(regulate qi)” effects to strengthen the liver function and improve the qi flow..I recommend you to take 【Cumin】 when your liver is disturbed!.Cumin is a great choice when you want to improve your qi flow.Try to use cumin if you are irritable or have fluctuating body weight, which means you might have the disturbed liver type obesity..CuminFlavor/ spicy, warmingEntered Meridians/ liver, stomach, kidneyRegulate the qi flow, eliminate flow disturbance, warm one’s body, and remove hán xié(cold pathogen)..These are the other recommended ingredients for the disturbed liver type obesity.Cress, shishito green pepper, green pepper, tomato, turmeric, etc..This can help you lose weight!.#healthyfood#medicinalfood#fruits #miso#日本を元気にするご飯#ヘルシーフード#手作り発酵ジュース #発酵 #発酵フルーツ #発酵リビングフード#美肌薬膳 #beautyTCM #weightloss #obesity#cumin #lǐqì#liver #holidayweight#TCM #TCMtherapist#手作り味噌体験#発酵麹調味料#発酵麹調味料マイスター#くらし薬膳 #くらし薬膳美容アドバイザーhttps://www.kurashi-yakuzen.net/
We tend to gain more weight during winter, which could be stressful if you’re trying to lose the weight you gained during the holiday.
Or that stress may be caused by the disturbed liver.

Let me explain the 【disturbed liver】type obesity.
If you have a strong frame, no waist definition, bloated stomach, fluctuating body weight, stiff shoulders and back, irregular appetite, experience twitching under your eyes, find it hard to fall asleep, are irritable/short-tempered, sigh a lot, your obesity might be the disturbed liver type.
The disturbed liver causes you to slow down your metabolism, leading to obesity.
Take food with “píng gān(pacify the liver),” “shū gān(soothe the liver),” or “lǐ qì(regulate qi)” effects to strengthen the liver function and improve the qi flow.

I recommend you to take 【Cumin】 when your liver is disturbed!
Cumin is a great choice when you want to improve your qi flow.
Try to use cumin if you are irritable or have fluctuating body weight, which means you might have the disturbed liver type obesity.

Flavor/ spicy, warmingEntered Meridians/ liver, stomach, kidneyRegulate the qi flow, eliminate flow disturbance, warm one’s body, and remove hán xié(cold pathogen).
These are the other recommended ingredients for the disturbed liver type obesity.
Cress, shishito green pepper, green pepper, tomato, turmeric, etc.
This can help you lose weight!

#healthyfood#medicinalfood#fruits #miso#日本を元気にするご飯#ヘルシーフード#手作り発酵ジュース #発酵 #発酵フルーツ #発酵リビングフード#美肌薬膳 #beautyTCM #weightloss #obesity#cumin #lǐqì#liver #holidayweight#TCM #TCMtherapist#手作り味噌体験#発酵麹調味料#発酵麹調味料マイスター#くらし薬膳 #くらし薬膳美容アドバイザー



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