The 【disturbed flow of blood type】out of the stiff shoulder type
Have you ever had shoulders so stiff that just pressing them hurts?
People get their shoulders tense in many different ways.
In general, it is thought that poor circulation causes a stiff shoulder.
In TCM, stiff shoulders caused by the disturbed blood flow make the same spot tense all the time, and it comes with intense pain.
Let me explain about the 【disturbed flow of blood type】 today!
If you experience acute pain on your shoulders, pain when you press your spot, quickly get dark spots or bruises, dark face tone, feel ease when you move the shoulders, severe menstrual pain, shoulder pain gets stronger at night, the disturbed flow of blood might be causing your stiff shoulders!
When the disturbed flow of blood is causing stiff shoulders, intense menstrual pain and skin issues often happen simultaneously.
The knot appears in the same spot every time and causes acute pain. People with a cold body and lack of qi often suffer the disturbed flow of blood.
Intake food that improves blood flow, such as black soybeans and prunes, to let your blood flow and gain balance.
These are the recommended ingredients for the disturbed flow of blood type stiff shoulders!
Prune, black soybeans, bok choy, field mustard, cranberry, etc.
I hope this can relieve your stiff shoulders!
#healthyfood#medicinalfood#fruits #miso#日本を元気にするご飯#ヘルシーフード#手作り発酵ジュース #発酵 #発酵フルーツ #発酵リビングフード#美肌薬膳 #beautyTCM #stiffshoulders #shoulderpain#tightshoulders #bloodflow#TCM #TCMtherapist#手作り味噌体験#発酵麹調味料#発酵麹調味料マイスター#くらし薬膳 #くらし薬膳美容アドバイザー
I recommend taking 【smelts】 when you have the 【disturbed flow of qi and blood】type. 【Red wine】are recommended helping your disturbed heart(xin) type stress I recommend 【peach】 if you suffer from a bad blood flow. グラノーラは手作りの方が断然美味しい! 【Spinach】 recommend if you suffer from a lack of blood type dry eyes