The 【spleen disorder type】 out of the five cold intolerances
Can I count having a cold belly and loose bowels as cold sensitivity?
In TCM, cold belly, upset stomach, and loss of appetite are also included in symptoms of cold intolerance.
This is caused by the spleen disorder causing the lack of qi and blood.
This is the 【spleen disorder type】 out of the five cold intolerance!
If you are experiencing a lack of appetite, have an upset stomach, have little appetite, experience diarrhea, sweet tooth, worry a lot, have a crack in the center of your tongue, cold belly, hands, and feet, or have a thick tongue coating, the spleen disorder might be causing your cold sensitivity!
In Chinese medicine, the spleen digests food and absorbs nutrition, and an unhealthy spleen cannot create enough qi, blood, and water.
That is why spleen disorder leads to a lack of qi and blood, which causes cold intolerance.
This cold sensitivity often shows signs of qi and blood deficiency, such as diarrhea.
Take care of your spleen by eating foods that nurture the spleen and help your spleen create more qi and blood to generate heat.
These are the recommended ingredients for the spleen disorder type of cold intolerance!
Potatoes, white rice, fava beans, chestnuts, chickpeas, etc.
I hope this can help your cold sensitivity!
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