
Let me explain about the 【disturbed flow of qi type】 today


This November was much warmer than the usual year so far, but it seems like the forecast says it will get much colder from this week.

Hi! This November was much warmer than the usual year so far, but it seems like the forecast says it will get much colder from this week. If you are sensitive to cold, you might need to start to prepare for the winter..Many people think that cold sensitivity is part of your constitution you cannot change. But you can improve your cold intolerance with TCM food therapy by diagnosing the type of your cold sensitivity out of five different types, identifying where and when you feel cold, and other subjective symptoms.TCM divides cold intolerance into five different types, ①disturbed flow of qi, ②lack of qi and blood,③disturbed flow of water, ④spleen disorder, and ⑤kidney disorder..Let me explain about the 【disturbed flow of qi type】 today!.If you feel cold on your hands and feet, feeling cold when you are stressed or nervous, have tense side muscles, impatient, stiff neck or shoulders, feel relaxed with aroma, experience stress before period, your cold intolerance might be caused by the disturbed flow of qi!.The body's warmth does not reach the ends of limbs when the flow of qi is disturbed. People with this type of cold intolerance often feel cold on their hands and feet. They usually have blood rush to their head but feel cold on their bottom half as well. Take foods that improve the qi flow and use aroma or incenses for better qi flow and deliver the body heat all over the body..These are the recommended ingredients for the disturbed flow of qi type!Mandarine orange, onion, red wine, spices, green pepper, almonds, etc..I hope this can improve your cold intolerance!.#healthyfood#medicinalfood#fruits #miso#日本を元気にするご飯#ヘルシーフード#手作り発酵ジュース #発酵 #発酵フルーツ #発酵リビングフード#美肌薬膳 #beautyTCM #coldsensitivity #coldintolerance#coldtoes #coldhands#qiflow #stiffshoulders#TCM #TCMtherapist#手作り味噌体験#発酵麹調味料#発酵麹調味料マイスター#くらし薬膳 #くらし薬膳美容アドバイザーhttps://www.kurashi-yakuzen.net/
If you are sensitive to cold, you might need to start to prepare for the winter. Many people think that cold sensitivity is part of your constitution you cannot change. But you can improve your cold intolerance with TCM food therapy by diagnosing the type of your cold sensitivity out of five different types, identifying where and when you feel cold, and other subjective symptoms.

TCM divides cold intolerance into five different types,
①disturbed flow of qi, ②lack of qi and blood, ③disturbed flow of water, ④spleen disorder, and ⑤kidney disorder.

Let me explain about the 【disturbed flow of qi type】 today!
If you feel cold on your hands and feet, feeling cold when you are stressed or nervous, have tense side muscles, impatient, stiff neck or shoulders, feel relaxed with aroma, experience stress before period, your cold intolerance might be caused by the disturbed flow of qi!

The body’s warmth does not reach the ends of limbs when the flow of qi is disturbed.
People with this type of cold intolerance often feel cold on their hands and feet.
They usually have blood rush to their head but feel cold on their bottom half as well.

Take foods that improve the qi flow and use aroma or incenses for better qi flow and deliver the body heat all over the body.
These are the recommended ingredients for the disturbed flow of qi type!Mandarine orange, onion, red wine, spices, green pepper, almonds, etc..I hope this can improve your cold intolerance!

#healthyfood#medicinalfood#fruits #miso#日本を元気にするご飯#ヘルシーフード#手作り発酵ジュース #発酵 #発酵フルーツ #発酵リビングフード#美肌薬膳 #beautyTCM #coldsensitivity #coldintolerance#coldtoes #coldhands#qiflow #stiffshoulders#TCM #TCMtherapist#手作り味噌体験#発酵麹調味料#発酵麹調味料マイスター#くらし薬膳 #くらし薬膳美容アドバイザー




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